Friday, June 12, 2009


It's been so hot here you have to drink a Slurpee every day just to not pass out and and die from heat exhaustion. For Canadians that means it's 22°C.

When it's this hot you have to slow it down a bit. You can still work, but focus more on your tan. Listen to slower music. Put away the happy hardcore for now. Break out the DJ Screw tapes.

Here's a couple good codeine-laced mixes for all you sweaty sloths suffering in the summer heat.

Dusted Oldies Slowmotion Mix - from last year, nice selection of slowed-down oldies mixed by Adam Weissman, still available for download on the Boneyards site.

Ladyhawk (Jason Nocito photo)

Time Cookie Vol. 1 - Saigon
- new mix of slower-than-mollasses rockers put together by Ryan from Ladyhawk. Who knew Depeche Mode could sound good?

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